Thursday, August 02, 2007

What is it about HER that makes you are have so much trust and faith in her? The kind that you would never have in us. What is it about HER that makes you support her , the kind of support you'll never give us.
I seriously dont understand why , i dont understand how , i dont understand the feelings between the both of you .
What is it about her man? Just look back on everything, after all you have been through with us , dont tell me that 3 years is NOTHING compared to that pathetic 6 MONTHS?! LIKE HELLLLLLO?! I've been pressing it in for so long i cant stand it anymore. LIKE JUST OPEN THAT PAIR OF EYES AND WAKE UP AND SEEEE THE WHOLE SITUATION WITHOUT A BIASED MIND wont you! We really tried to understand her as you wanted us to, we played our part did you? The whold freaking time we were blamed for not understanding her yadeyadeyadedah , the point is this whole issue is not just about her! It's about all of US US US US, NOT HER> THE BIG THING OR WHATEVER. Then why cant you understand us for a change? On why we see and say things this way instead of suiting her ALL THE TIME. Like for pete's sake! you say she's leaving but so? Does that mean that she should cling onto you all ALL THE TIME?! Is that even true la . It's so sickening and irritating and frustrating and annoying . . . . . . . . .

There's always a time to let go, you said you would but now you wouldnt.
Dont come and try to ruin my squad like what you did to the others. Just stop it. Stop acting, stop lying. You get on my nerves, on everyone's nerves (with the exception of the three blind mice) UGH .
I dislike that you're breaking us apart
I dislike that you try to take control of everything
I dislike that you made MY people cry
In otherwords, I dislike/hate you.

You've just been caught on gotcha! No need for the stage.

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