Thursday, November 15, 2007

Whooooo, long time no seeeee!

Sometimes I wonder what are friends for& why is it my close friends always end up as strangers to me.

You know how much I love talking and whinning and complaining and how much I can't keep all my troubles within myself. I love being able to express myself openly with no constrictions or what so ever. But lately I find myself controlling every single thing I do. It's like I can't express my true self openly anymore? I don't know. I have to choose certain things to tell certain people and THAT SUCKS LIKE HELLLLL. I hate it but yet I have to do it to prevent ladeeda cause it concerns your friends ya ya ya & how I have to spare a thought for you bblahblah. & because of that, including the fact I hardly tell you anything anymore or rather even talk to you, we drift apart. SO MUCH! I miss you like hell but you don't. That hurts like shit. Oh man, shitty english, hahahaha. But still, I can't believe we've drift apart so much you know. You were really my gooooodest friend back then ): Oh well, at least it's better than being strangers. But I still miss you and I want the old you back even if they don't.

Okay enough ranting, I'm suppose to be happpppy! Happy happy happy me!

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