Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm running a fever of 38.1 should just go all the way to 40++ and my brain can just melt then I won't need to think so much and get upset over all this stupid stuff

I'm so sorry for bringing so much trouble to everyone I didn't mean to and it's stupid cause I know I'm being selfish I've thought of the other option really, even almost went ahead with it. But I've been dreaming of this since forever and it sucks to have to be this way I don't want nor do I need your pity so stop feeling sorry for me.

I don't know what came over me I can't stop venting my unhappiness on the people around me, first you who was actually trying to be nice and now you.
I'm waiting for you to call back in case you are looking but I think you are so fed up with me already and i can't call you back cause I don't know your hse number

I'm a lump of mess

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