Saturday, May 02, 2009

Girl who is most likely to get swine flu HAHA


Hope you had a fabulouuuuuuus pink bimbotic birthday! & your present and card and box omg they are all pink I wanted to die hahaha. Even this post is pink!

In a blink of an eye and it's your bitchday again! Cut bangs night trip to sentosa besties 408 4D prelims olevels work@cartel thailand trip results tjmj and now!

I'm really glad that our friendship is able to survive despite us being in different schools, you're still the person I turn to and I want you to know I'll always be here for you kay! Don't be sad anymore we can go on more ice cream eating sprees! It's super damaging to the weighing machine but who cares we too skinny already it doesn't matter ^^ I can show you my mugshot again hahaha shit it's really damm ugly.

Thanks for being there man and there is no need to be afraid to be frank with me, I'm macho man I can take it like a MAN whoooo.

Lubbex u forever

Love, bitchy hitch

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