Sunday, May 10, 2009

Secretly. . . . .

Are you happier?
I have no idea.

Am I?
No answer to that either.


I'm really stuggling to stay afloat in MJ. It just sucks when all my close friends are elsewhere and there is no one here I can always count on to.


Wanling: Lets go the ANAL(Endner) there HAHAHAHAHA

Bk was out today with his botak head! Had dinner with him and bitch and went last minute shopping for mother's day!

Sorry man Abraham, next time next time like two weeks later when you come out of hell camp! :D

&Cheer up Gina! Miss you! (:

Hmm I don't know what else to say.

I have a sad life.

Why am I still waiting for a call thats never coming. Fick me. I'm so useless.

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